Life expectancy for Americans reaches new high of 76.9 years
Despite the increases, American Indians/Alaska Natives had the lowest life expectancy at 67.9 years while Asians had the highest life expectancy at 84.5 years. Additionally, while life expectancy for Black Americans has been steadily lower than that of white Americans, the gap ...
The TIAA Institute and George Washington University's Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center's 2022 Personal Finance Index asked for the first time in the survey's history whether respondents knew the life expectancy of Americans who are currently 60 years old, as a multiple choice...
Still, many other wealthy countries have made more "substantial" recoveries in life expectancy, he added. "Put simply, the fact that life expectancy in 2022 was lower than in 2019 means that Americans continue to die at higher rates than they did before the pandemic, despite the rebound," W...
New York — U.S. life expectancy rose last year — by more than a year — but still isn’t close to what it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2022 rise
Life expectancy increased to 77.5 years in 2022, while the age-adjusted rate of drug overdose deaths increased from 2002 to 2022 but did not change from 2021 to 2022, according to two March data briefs published by the National Center for Health Statistics. ...
Changes in life expectancy varied by race and ethnicity. Hispanic Americans and American Indians and Alaska Natives saw life expectancy rise more than two years in 2022. Black life expectancy rose more than 1 1/2 years. Asian American life expectancy rose one year and white life expectancy rose...
In 2022, the total life expectancy at birth in Iran remained nearly unchanged at around 74.56 years. These figures refer to the expected lifespan of the average newborn in a given country or region, providing that mortality patterns at the time of birth remain constant thereafter.Find more sta...
U.S. life expectancy is expected to go from 78.3 years in 2022, to 79.9 years in 2035, to 80.4 years in 2050, according to forecasting models from the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Life Expectancy Data Confirms Disproportionate Impact of ...
The figures were included in a new detailed analysis of life expectancy published Thursday that showed that overall life expectancy for Americans rose slightly over the period, to 79.1 years in 2019, but that persistent and widespread disparities remained between different racial and ethnic groups. ...