Scholars have advanced several explanations for gains in life expectancy during economic downturns such as the Great Depression. First, the “income effect” explanation assumes that a fall in family income reduces consumption of health-damaging goods (e.g., alcohol,Khan et al.,2002). Second, th...
lifelikeness of the artwork (Browning's Duke of Ferrara pre-echoes Browning, renaissance painting, and the problem of Raphael The Taylor rule is perceived very positively thanks to its intuitiveness, lifelikeness and simplicity. Monetary rules and their application in times of economic crisis and in...
Life expectancy in the Stone Age was relatively young, and most people lived to be around 20-40 years old. This early death was due to illness, malnourishment, and life of heavy labor and hard work. Why is it called the Stone Age? This period is called the Stone Age because it is ...
LEVITT: Exactly. We live in a world in which progress has been amazing. Some of the evidence that’s so obvious: a longer life expectancy, cellphones — life is great, right? You don’t disagree that we have been amazing beneficiaries of progress?
What was the typical life expectancy in the Middle Ages? Life expectancy varied according to diet, climate, location, relative wealth, etc., but the answer is definitive: not as long as we do now. For starters, infants and children died at a horrific rate (some say up to 1/3 of all...
Theological Roots: In Abrahamic traditions, especially during the formative periods of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,Godwas often depicted as a lawgiver and judge. This image emphasized divine authority andjusticeto maintain social order, with fear of p...
The Papillion regarded as a dog of the royal and noble class has been popularly projected in the works of eminent painters like Goya, Rembrandt, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Ruben. Their development happened during the Renaissance period by breeding the spaniels with the existing toy varieties since the...
life has deep historical roots; I argue that this concept emerged during Greco-Roman Antiquity, experienced a revival during the age of Renaissance, became even more widespread during the bourgeoise age of nineteenth-century Europe, and finally penetrated the working cl...
But following Katrina, we can proudly argue that Tom Benson has led a renaissance in our city." Citizens worried because Benson kept a ranch in Texas and spent much of the time there. He is not, however, a Texan. He grew up poor in New Orleans' 7th Ward, near the corner of North ...
“I Rose and Found My Voice: Narration, Authentication and Authorial Control in Four Slave Narratives,” in: Within the Circle: An Anthology of African American Literary Criticism from the Harlem Renaissance to the Present. Ed. Angelyn Mitchell (U.S.A.: Duke Uni...