Life EstatePur Autre Vie在他人生存期间保有的地产 在英格兰法上,指在他人生存期内对土地进行保有[cestui que vie],即他人生存期为权利期。1926年以前,这是法律认可的最低限度的完全保有地产权。从1925年起,它仅仅作为土地上的一项衡平法权利而转移给土地保有人的遗产代管人。依1837年《遗嘱法》[Wills Acts]...
Alife estateis an ownership interest in land as security for the repayment of a loan.───终身产权是保证返还贷款的土地所有权利益。 limitation in time is most clearly seen whether it be an estate held for the life of the tenant, or what is called an estate pur autre vie.───无论是在...
However, Party B’s lifetime would not be the unit of measurement for how long Party B holds the life estate. Rather, another person’s lifetime would be how the length of the life estate is to be measured. In general, a life estate pur autre vie reads, “I, Party A, convey the...
Cclui qui veUI un autre mondc, une auU"!: vic, \'eut quclq ue chose tie pt us profond: ' L:l vie conlre 10. vic'. (...) Celie volonte de nicr dcfinit '10. valeur' des valcurs superieures. Son amlC: fa ire passer to. vic sous to. dominat ion des forces reaelivc.~....