If we go exclusively by the information we receive on a daily basis through the news reports and the mainstream media, then our assessment of the state of human affairs in this new millennium will necessarily be overwhelmingly negative, and we will most likely come to the depressing conclusion ...
The Antarctic midge, Belgica antarctica (Diptera: Chironomidae), is the southernmost insect inhabiting Antarctica22,23,24,25. This species has four larval instars, in common with most other chironomids25,26,27. The relative frequency of cohorts of different instars during the Antarctic seasons indi...
under the guidance of Mogao Caves' digital ambassador Jiayao, participates in, and witnesses the passing of the millennium, from when the cave was built, sealed and rediscovered, to how the relics were lost or scattered, and reunited virtually. ...
The ransom removes the curse, but the sin offering allows the purging of the propensity for sin from the world during the Millennium. “And has she not been baptized into Christ’s death? Does she not suffer with him that she may also reign with him? Is she not a joint‑sacrificer ...
This evidence provides information on how past communities dealt with the surrounding environment during the second millennium BCE23, and the growing literature on millet exploitation in prehistoric Europe is a testament to how isotope studies have often set new agendas. However, most of these studies...
‘Anthropologies of the Body’ often view the human form as a sort of text, onto which meanings and experiences are inscribed during people’
The rise and fall of intensive agriculture in the Maya area In this model of central Tikal, Guatemala the dark-colored basins indicate the location of large, very deep reservoirs. The entire city was built with slopes so the runoff would fill them during the rainy season, and these sustained...
The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better (Allen Lane, London, 2009). Grasso, M. Sharing the emission budget. Polit. Stud. 60, 668–686 (2012). Article Google Scholar Gallup International Association Voice of the People Millennium Survey, 2000 (Inter-university ...
Although there was constant growth of Jesus Caritas priest Fraternities during the nineties, their number did not double in that decade prior to the closing of the millennium. The life and death of Charles de Foucauld has had great impact throughout the world during the twentieth century and ...
Therefore, primary and secondary data was mainly collected from the four selected utilities themselves. Utility asset inventories, expenditures, budgets, and revenue reports were collected with the support of the DFID-funded REACH Programme, Catholic Relief Services, and Millennium Water Alliance in Kenya...