Show Podcast Information Recent Posts Amazon Sidewalk: The first STM32-qualified devices are already making a difference. Check out this customer testimonial! STM32N6: Our very own NPU in the most powerful STM32 to inaugurate a new era of computing X-CUBE-MCSDK 6.3.2: HSO, ZeST, GUI, or...
Show Podcast Information Recent Posts STM32CubeProgrammer 2.18: looking forward to MCUs in 2025 and more Body sensing for advanced human machine interface Let’s not forget that memory matters: 3 paths to RAM and flash configurations for high-end UIs on embedded systems Amazon Sidewalk: The first...
After blowing away audiences around the world, BLOOD & FLESH: THE REEL LIFE & GHASTLY DEATH OF AL ADAMSON will be arriving on home video in the UK on June 1st. Produced and directed by Severin co-foun
January 5, 2011 / Moving Between Moments December 28, 2010 / Righteous Rectitude Requires Retained Rationality December 23, 2010 / Travel-Buddies on the Journey Through Life December 15, 2010 / Secular Blogging Religions and Healthy Skepticism December 6, 2010 / Living an Iterative Life November ...
The BioWorld Insider Podcast In Extending the human lifespan, aBioWorldspecial report, the team examined the latest science, the key biological drivers that can be targeted pharmacologically and the companies developing potential “Fountain of Youth” candidate drugs. In this episode of the BioWorld ...
The Asphyx Awkwardly plotted but chilling just the same, this beautifully-filmed tale of Victorian experimentation with death has nightmarish qualities that won’t go away. Class actors Robert Stephens, Robert Powell & Jane Lapotaire bring believability to a deadly-serious idea that scores the ‘...
It feels great when you have a Blog, YouTube channel, or Podcast with a huge number of followers and subscribers. But what about the customers who will give you the actual business? So you need a full-fledged solution that turns your followers into customers and keeps them updated with the...
Joy Williams, Stuff –Weird story about a nature writer for a magazine who gets diagnosed with cancer, and goes to visit his mother who seems bored of him – is the whole story a kind of Last Temptation of Christ death vision? I liked the lack of explanation in the story – this would...
November was a trying month, in many ways and for many reasons. Its devastations included the death of a friend, a lovely,the-world-was-a-better-place-with-him-in-itperson, followed by the election of athe-world-will-be-a-wretched-place-with-him-and-his-henchmen-in power,despicable ex...
September 24th, 2023. The sample from asteroid Bennu is contained inside the spacecraft’s sampling head, and it’s in safe hands at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. Two stubborn fasteners delayed the opening of the sampling head, but they’ve been removed, and now we can see ...