内容简介· ··· Examining all of the Harry Potter novels, John Killinger points out the consistent way in which author J. K. Rowling follows the story of Christ in the Gospels with Harry as a Christ-figure. 我要写书评 The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Harry Potter的书评 ···(全...
Christ the source of resurrection and life.(From an Easter homily by an ancient author)de Valk, Alphonse
the much grain. The way to gain life from death is the same for both Jesus and us becausewe cannot be made alive unless we die. Resurrection is based on the death. The more we can experience the death of Christ, the more we can manifest His life.Mark 10:38reminds us that we...
deathand resurrection of Jesus Christaccording to Hans Urs von Balthasar GRADUATE THEOLOGICAL UNION Gregory Love HoffmeyerJeffrey HowardThe guiding question for this dissertation is the following: The thesis that this dissertation supports is the followingJ. H. Hoffmeyer...
Christ the resurrection and the life : a funeral sermon on the much lamented death of ... Sophia Charlotta ... late Queen of Prussia ... : preach'd the first Sunday after the solemnization of the royal funeral at Berlin, to the ...
Christ's Resurrection: Our Hope of Life Episode aired Apr 1, 2012 TV-G YOUR RATING RateFamilyTalk Show Add a plot Director Peter Eddington Star Darris McNeely 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoTop cast1 Edit Darris McNeely Self...
This Gospel of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection for my dreadful transgressions changes my trajectory entirely. By the power of the Holy Spirit through that Gospel for faith, I have a new inclination. “You are not welcome here,” the inclination says to the sin-nature. I suppose, ...
Prophecies given by Jesus Christ Jesus gave several prophecies about himself, the people of Israel and the world. He prophesied his own death and resurrection, and that he will return in the future to judge the living and the dead. He also foretold the destruction of Israel and the exile an...
The central belief of Christianity is that by faith in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus, individuals are saved from death - both spiritual and physical - by redemption from their sins (i.e. faults, misdeeds, disobedience, rebellion against God). Through God's grace, by faith ...
Continuing our historical investigation into the early sources for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we turn next to the ancient non Christian sources. We will move, successively, from ancient historians, to government officials, to other Jewish and Gentile sources, to early gnostic source...