题目 Feasibility should be measured throughout the life cycle of system development. The scope and complexity of an apparently feasible project can change after the initial problems and opportunities are fully analyzed or after the system has been designed. Thus, a project that is feasible at one ...
The term “system development life cycle,” or SDLC, is tossed around frequently, but many people have only a vague idea about what the process actually entails
System Development Life Cycle 系统发展生命周期(=SDLC)系统发展生命周期可以分为几个阶段:1.规划(plan):初步研究(preliminary investigation)、可行性研究(feasibility study system development cycle 系统研制周期 system life cycle 系统寿命周期 system development 系统发展,系统开发 development system 研制系统,...
软件生命周期(SDLC,Systems Development Life Cycle,SDLC) 很多学软件类的大学生在面临毕业的时候总有一个顾虑,以后到底能从事哪方面的工作,本人不才,从大学才开始接触软件开发,学习过其中很多的岗位知识,因此对软件的开发有一些全方位的理解,写下这篇文章希望能帮助那些即将就业的同学找到一个适合自己的道路。 学过软...
reference cycle (即经济周期) 参考周期 Kuznets cycle (指平均周期为15 25年幻景气循环) 库茨涅兹循环 war baby (指因战时需要而发展的工业产品证券等) 战时产物 subgroup (元素周期表上的) 族 zero group (元素周期表中的) 零族 soft loan window (指对发展中国家的优惠贷款业务) 软贷款窗口 feasibility inves...
软件生存周期 Systems Development Life Cycle 一个软件产品或系统经历孕育、诞生、成长、成熟、衰亡的许多阶段,称为软件生存周期。把整个软件生存周期划分为若干阶段,使得每个阶段有明确的任务,使规模大、结构复杂和管理复杂的软件开发变得容器控制和管理。软件生存周期一般包含以下阶段...
The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project -- from an initial feasibility study all the way through maintenance of the completed application. SDLC can apply to both ...
Systems development life cycle vs. software development lifecycle In the context of the SDLC, a system usually refers to an IT technology -- but includes both hardware and software. Unlike thesoftware development lifecycle, which is mainly concerned with software development projects, the systems deve...
The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured approach to the development, deployment, and maintenance of information systems. It encompasses a series of phases, each with its own set of activities, deliverables, and objectives, aimed at ensuring the successful delivery of high-quality...
软件生存周期 Systems Development Life Cycle 一个软件产品或系统经历孕育、诞生、成长、成熟、衰亡的许多阶段,称为软件生存周期。把整个软件生存周期划分为若干阶段,使得每个阶段有明确的任务,使规模大、结构复杂和管理复杂的软件开发变得容器控制和管理。软件生存周期一般包含以下阶段...