Look at these pictures of the stages of a frog’s life cycle. Can you arrange them into a cycle diagram? Can you read the statements and match them to each stage? Already registered? LOG IN to download this instantly ► Keystage: KS2, Year 5 DOWNLOAD THIS RESOURCE INSTANTLY with a...
produce many eggs and their offspring survive better when population density is low. Yellow-throated females producelarge eggs and their offspring survive better when population density is high. This results in a two-year shifting cycle of relative abundance, basically anevolutionarily stable strategy(...
Year 2children learn that animals have offspring and observe seeds grow into plants. Year 3children observe the plant life cycle and learn about seed dispersal. InYear 5children will consider the similarities and differences between the life cycle of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. They wi...
Seasonal cycle variations on the supercontinent of Pangaea. Geol- ogy 1989; 17: 457–460. Vermeij GJ. Island life: A view from the sea. In: Lomolino MV, Heaney LR, editors. Frontiers of bioge- ography: New directions in the geography of nature. Sunderland: Sinauer; 2004...
"Toads and Toad Life" gives a full account of the animal in relation to its environment; every phase of its normal life cycle is considered and its reactions are analysed and compared with those of other amphibians. But although there is much of scientific interest in the book, the manner ...
So rather than having a three-stage life cycle, a butterfly has a multi-stage life – a caterpillar transforms into a bigger caterpillar, which turns into an even bigger caterpillar, and on and on, till its big enough, and stops producing something called the Juvenile Hormone, and that let...
[155]. Understanding the impact of Nrps is complicated by the finding that the Nrp-1 cytoplasmic domain is dispensable for cerebral and non-cerebral EC angiogenesis, but promotes arteriovenous separation [156]. Nrp1 and Nrp2 double-knockouts in mice are embryonically lethal, and lack both ...
There is an urgent need for cities to become more climate resilient; one of the key strategies is to include more green spaces in the urban environment. Currently, there is a worry that increasing green spaces might increase mosquito nuisance. As such, t
We explain what they will find out about amphibians, birds, fish, mammals and reptiles. Read more Learning about plants in primary school From the parts of a plant to the seed cycle, water transportation and photosynthesis, children learn lots about the living things around us in primary ...
Lobo DS et al (2007) AntifungalPisum sativumdefensin 1 interacts withNeurospora crassacyclin F related to the cell cycle. Biochemistry 46(4):987–996 is a cell wall protein. Plant J 3(3):427–436 CASGoogle Scholar Cheng CS et al (2004) Binding mechanism of nonspecific lipid transfer protei...