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Landlocking could also happen when littoral currents created a tombolo, which connected the island with the mainland. The island's “life cycle” was completed when the delta front had passed by, causing its total integration into the floodplain of the river. Already in the 5th century BCE, ...
Application of Life Cycle Cost Concepts to Space Station DevelopmentMr. Plaks is a member of ISPA, AIAA, and NCOSE.doi:10.1080/10157891.1993.10462525Arved PlaksJournal of Parametrics
Bauer RT (2013) Amphidromy in shrimps: a life history pattern between rivers the sea. Lat Am J Aquat Res 41:633–650 Article Google Scholar Bauer RT (2018) Life-cycle and seasonal migrations. In: Thiel M, Watling L (eds) The natural history of the crustacea, Life histories, vol 5...
”. Right now, as a nation in general, we have a very them-vs.-us mentality;every man for himself. If you are lucky enough to have grown up in a household that never really had to struggle to survive, it is much more difficult for you to understand how this cycle of poverty ...
Figure 1: Evolution of the life cycle ofM. debilis. Bottom left: green arrows show the present time obligate paedogenetic life cycle, where viviparous 1stinstar female larvae or triungulins are the legged, migratory stage. Bottom right: yellow arrows indicate rare, relic development of a male...
life cycle— 生命周期 cycle名— 周期名 · 循环名 · 轮回名 · 自行车名 · 一圈名 · 骑车名 · 摩托车名 · 一转名 · 一周名 · 组诗名 extension名— 延长名 · 扩大名 · 延伸名 · 延期名 · 伸展名 · 电话分机名 extend life— ...
produce many eggs and their offspring survive better when population density is low. Yellow-throated females producelarge eggs and their offspring survive better when population density is high. This results in a two-year shifting cycle of relative abundance, basically anevolutionarily stable strategy(...
Overfishing has been a global challenge for several decades with severe impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Several approaches for assessing overfishing in life cycle impact assessment exist, but do not consider scarcity in line with current policy and science-based targets. Furthermore, com...
His research interests were vast but remained grounded in early life history, behaviour, social behaviour, the evolution of behaviour, behavioural genetics, and evolutionary ecology. David had a remarkable ability to establish and maintain strong connections within the international academic community. ...