The cell cycle requires the full complement of proteins that make eukaryotes complex [147], hence the cell cycle originated after the origin of mitochondria. Even in Margulis's formulations of endosymbiotic theory, the host for the origin of mitochondria had a nucleus [169]. Related to the ...
1. Flow chart illustrating the life-cycle chain (well-to-tank) of Rapeseed Oil The multifunctionality of biofuel systems is considered a critical issue in biofuel life-cycle studies, as discussed in section 2. For the RO production system, in particular, one valuable co-product is obtained: ...
life cycle impact assessment NREU: non-renewable energy use PEI: polyethylenimine POCP: photochemical ozone creation potential PSSF: pre-saccharification and fermentation REU: renewable energy use SHF: separate hydrolysis and fermentation SSF: simultaneous saccharification and fermentation WIS: ...
Epiphytic microbes are those that live for some or all of their life cycle on the surface of plant leaves. Leaf surfaces are a topologically complex, physicochemically heterogeneous habitat that is home to extensive, mixed communities of resident and transient inhabitants from all three domains of ...
In humans, early-life adversity (ELA) such as trauma, poverty, and chaotic environment is linked to increased risk of later-life emotional disorders including depression and substance abuse. These disorders involve underlying disruption of reward circuit
Nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon originating from wastewater and sludge can, depending on their partitioning during wastewater treatment, either become available as potential resources or leave as emissions. Several reviews have highlighted the dependence of life cycle assessment (LCA) results on the invent...
Mice were group-housed under controlled conditions (temperature 20–22 °C, humidity 50–70%) on a 12 h' light/dark cycle (lights on at 7 am), and food (V1534-300 R/M-H from Ssniff GmbH, Soest, Germany) and water was supplied ad libitum. At postnatal day (PD) 8–9, pups ...
Mechanism of action of anticancer flavonoids:The capacity offlavonoidscompounds to block the cell cycle, to induce apoptosis, to inhibit angiogenesis and to act as chemo-preventative/ immunomodulatory agents makes them promising anticancer therapeutics [31,35,65,66,77,80]. In this section, ...
This wealth of sequence information has enabled genome-wide studies of bacterial genomes to be carried out, and the evolutionary life-cycle of operons to be inferred by comparison of related bacterial species [9]. HGT represents one source of operons, and is the primary origin of these ...
Bienkiewicz EA, Adkins JN, Lumb KJ (2002) Functional consequences of preorganized helical structure in the intrinsically disordered cell-cycle inhibitor p27(Kip1). Biochemistry 41(3):752–759 ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Chi SW, Kim DH, Lee SH, Chang I, Han KH (2007) Pre-structured moti...