例如在食品包装行业,LCA 分析可能显示部分塑料包装存在过度包装问题,导致塑料原料浪费严重,那么企业就可以重新设计包装规格、结构,采用更轻薄且满足保护功能的包装材料,提高塑料资源的利用效率,减少不必要的浪费。帮助企业和社会从宏观层面规划资源的循环利用路径。以废旧纺织品为例,LCA 可以评估其回收再加工制成其他...
An Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (E-LCA) is a framework for measuring the inputs, outputs, and environmental performance of a product, service, or product system2, such as: 1. A product or good Hardware (e.g. a car) Software (e.g. a computer program) Processed materials (e.g....
Life cycle assessment of multi-product dairy processing using Irish butter and milk powders as an exampleEnergy efficiencyLife cycle assessmentCumulative energy demandCarbon footprintDairy processingThe Irish dairy industry faces a challenging market and a focus on the environmental impacts of products, ...
An LCA evaluates both the entire or partial life cycle of a product: from resource extraction, production and usage, to recycling, the disposal of waste, and potential product reuse. Why undergo a Life Cycle Assessment of your product or service?
An example would be assessing the impacts of making furniture until it leaves the manufacturer. This assessment does not include its transportation, use, or eventual disposal. Cradle to cradle: This lifecycle model considers a product’s entire life cycle from raw material extraction to the end ...
生命周期评估(Life Cycle Assessment)简称LCA,起源于1969年美国中西部研究所受可口可乐委托对饮料容器从原材料采掘到废弃物最终处理的全过程进行的跟踪与定量分析。 其定义为针对某种产品、工艺或行业的全生命周期产生的环境排放指标的统计与分析。全生命周期是指某一产品(或服务)从取得原材料,经生产、使用直至废弃的整...
: 将生命周期评估研究的范围及目的予以清晰界定,使其与预期的应用程序相一致;清单分析(Inventory Analysis):编制一份与研究的产品系统相关的投入产出清单,该步骤包括资料收集及利用专业工具计算,从而量化其相关投入与产出,这些投入与产出包括资源的使用及对空气、水体及土地的污染排放等;影响评估(Impact Assessment)...
产品生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)是一种对产品从原材料获取、生产、使用到废弃处置整个生命周期中对环境影响进行综合评估的方法。一、评价目的 环境管理与决策支持 帮助企业全面了解产品在各个阶段对环境的影响,从而为制定更环保的生产策略、选择原材料、改进产品设计等提供科学依据。例如,企业可以通过 LCA...
2) life cycle assessment 产品生命周期评价 1. A product orientated environmental management tool,life cycle assessmentis strongly proposed, and its poten. 对面向产品的环境管理工具——产品生命周期评价的概念框架,可能应用领域以及发展前景进行了全面地评述。
英语翻译Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a technique for assessing variousaspects associated with development of a product and its potentialimpact throughout a product’s life [4].LCA stage includesdefinition of goal and scope,inventory analysis,impact ass