Life cycle assessment (LCA) of mobile phonesLalit KumarNitin ShyamAnkit BatraHardik SaxenaM. R
帮助企业和社会从宏观层面规划资源的循环利用路径。以废旧纺织品为例,LCA 可以评估其回收再加工制成其他产品(如再生纤维用于制作隔音材料等)与直接废弃处理相比,在资源节约和环境影响方面的差异,从而推动建立更完善的废旧纺织品回收循环体系,让资源能够多次循环利用,延长资源的使用寿命。企业经济效益与市场竞争力方面...
该步骤包括资料收集及利用专业工具计算,从而量化其相关投入与产出,这些投入与产出包括资源的使用及对空气、水体及土地的污染排放等;影响评估(Impact Assessment):针对生命周期清单分析阶段得出的结果,来评估与这些
Life cycle assessment of battery electric vehicles: Implications of future electricity mix and different battery end-of-life management electricity mix, battery efficiency fade, battery refurbishment, and recycling for their collective importance on the life-cycle environmental performance of a ... MS Ko...
FRAUNHOFER-INSTITUT FÜR ZUVERLÄSSIGKEIT UND MIKROINTEGRATION IZM LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF THE FAIRPHONE 4 David Sánchez Marina Proske Sarah-Jane Baur Berlin, March 2022 Contact: Fraunhofer IZM Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49.30.46403-688 Fax: +49.30.46403-211 Email...
Life cycle assessment performs the capability to quantify, the environmental performance of a product. The output of LCAs, the ecoprofiles serve as a starting point for product and process improvements through scenario and weak point analysis. This paper shows the application of LCA to a ...
FRAUNHOFER-INSTITUT FÜR ZUVERLÄSSIGKEIT UND MIKROINTEGRATION IZM LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF THE FAIRPHONE 3 Marina Proske David Sánchez Christian Clemm Sarah-Jane Baur Berlin, July 2020 Contact: Fraunhofer IZM Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49.30.46403-688 Fax: +49.30.4...
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an analytical tool that captures the overall environmental impacts of a product, process or human activity from raw material acquisition, through production and use, to waste management. This comprehensive view makes LCA unique in the suite of environmental management ...
《Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)》(Walter Klpffer)内容简介:Following a general introduction on the philosophy and purpose of life cycle assessment, this practi...
生命周期评估(Life Cycle Assessment)简称LCA,起源于1969年美国中西部研究所受可口可乐委托对饮料容器从原材料采掘到废弃物最终处理的全过程进行的跟踪与定量分析。其定义为针对某种产品、工艺或行业的全生命周期产生的环境排放指标的统计与分析。全生命周期是指某一产品(或服务)从取得原材料,经生产、使用直至废弃的...