Rachel Macy Stafford has one goal: help people choose love as much as humanly possible. She is the New York Times bestselling author of Hands Free Mama and Hands Free Life, as well as a certified special education teacher and inspiring speaker. Millions find solace and direction in her weekl...
It's a level editor for Super Monkey Ball 1/2. I mean, yes I could try to add on to and fix my first attempt, but that's such a huge mess (speed < quality) that I just decided to scrap it and work on v2. undefined super monkey ball rom hacking gamecube wk69 ...
I really felt like a monkey in front of my PC not understanding what Im doing. rant what am i doing here? monkey on pc 5 noobi 330 8y Tfw you accepted a project you thought you "can" work on, but over time it turns out that you won't be able to finish the project on ti...
Playing Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask at 60fps on Switch would be a dream come true. Same with Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64. I want to play those at native frame rate, don't care what resolution! 0 Reply 74 120frames-please Fri 16th Aug 2019 @Wavey84 Yeah, I prefer the 3DS ...
The decision to add Japanese titles was based on the fact that their English translations, which follow in parentheses, are often too loose and imprecise. Unfortunately, our printers could not insert these titles in the Japanese characters so Roman transliterations had to be substituted....
Gradually the haze lifted and they told me I was going to be ok. My doctor was a tall, lanky Sierra Leonean with a big Afro and Air Jordan hi-tops. Meeting him and being told I could leave is one of my first clear memories. All the nurses hugged me when I left and I thanked ...
You could argue that games like Stardew Valley, Shredder’s Revenge and even Monkey Island are tailor-made for a system like the Switch. To me, the approach those games take is an incredibly underrated aspect of gaming - games you can pick up, any time, without too much effort ...
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