Preparing clients for job offers and interviews. Establishing a client/coach partnership. Working with the client to establish an action plan or work plan. Resume drop-offs to employers. Email CVs and cover letters out for suitable applications and targeted opportunities. Volunteer for work- experien...
But I would say it worked. My sacrifices and determination worked, despite my physical health being affected, and I didn’t have to deal with being depressed about getting sacked or being unemployed because I was receiving a regular balanced income. After all, there was a vacancy for a senio...
I was really completely unaware of the story as it unfolds in chapters two and three of the book – from when the founders first met, through the height of its success and fame, right through to when the organisation was really struggling (which led to the vacancy for managing director bei...
After taking Sasha for another walk, Molly sat down with the local paper, scouring the job section for a part-time vacancy, something to get her out of the house a few hours a day, so she would not be leaving Sasha for too long on her own. She had been offered her old job at th...
The variety of philosophies, expectations, and terms used to describe an Instructional Coach can turn searching for a vacancy into a fun scavenger hunt. I’ve had success with all of the following terms: Instructional Coach, Literacy Coach, Teacher Leader, Teaching and Learning Coach – as well...
Vacancy:We’ll assume 5% vacancy when the sits empty for a couple weeks between tenants. That’s $1,200 we won’t get. If we add this up, that’s $2100/mo in rent from the tenants, or a total of $25,200 for the year. After subtracting for vacancy, that leaves us with$24k in...
ActiveThemes Transitioning to first person, thenarratorsays that the only sign thatHughever lived is thestatueof the korl woman, which now sits behind a curtain in the narrator’s library. Tonight, the curtain is slightly drawn, and the narrator studies the statue, which seems to ask questions...
Versions of this affair differ, but according to Birnbaum (who wrote in 1739, probably under Bach’s supervision), Bach ‘found himself’ at Dresden, and was not sent for by ‘special coach’. Once there, some court official persuaded him to challenge Marchand to a contest at the ...
Scott was a common middle name back when I was born. In fact, Scott ranked in the top ten boys’ middle names of the 1960s. (See if your middle name is/was a top tennerhere.) Maybe that’s why my parents chose Scott, because I’m not aware of any ancestors with the name. Then...
Us Angry Bastards are still right to be anti-airhead, anti-vacancy, anti-conciliatory: it’s still not right, not enough, to be a music-maker who wants to be adored for their wizardry or musicality. Not when the world needs improving so much. But hey; I’ve gone off on one… Torch...