During the 1600’s, the Catholic Church in France was plagued with schisms and heresy, especially Jansenism, a strict, puritanical interpretation of morality with a very limited view of salvation. The dogma of God’s infinite love for man was looked upon with coldness, indifference and doubt....
On the First Friday in Passiontide, the Church Commemorates OUR SORROWFUL MOTHER & HER SEVEN SORROWSBelow you will find links to(1) All About the Feast Day Commemorating the Seven Swords of Sorrow(2) Prayers to the Sorrowful Mother & Short Seven Sorrows Rosary(3) A Longer Seven Sorrows...
By Jeff Becraft Years ago, one Sunday morning, there were some snow flurries. A member of our church called us up and said, “We’re not going to be meeting… Read More Posted in: midlandsbiz Category: life, on-the-move Georgialina—A Southland As We Knew It ...
Lesson videos feature kids living out their faith Step by Step Bible-in-Life is easy to teach, making it perfect for churches of all sizes. High-quality, engaging lesson plans Designed for multiple learning styles and class sizes Lessons are easy to teach, for volunteers and church leaders ...
YouTube has videos about how a can of tun can become a heater and light. Little sympathy for those so stuck when caught unprepared. Embarrassing for “rednecks” to be so unprepared. —30— Share this: Twitter Facebook Pocket Print
is asking if you can be a good person when outside a church. Fitness as a lifestyle is for anywhere. Everywhere How To Start Getting Fitness as a Lifestyle by Jolie Bookspan, MEd, PhD, FAWM To many people, fitness means stopping your "real life," changing clothes, driving somewhere...
Clearly Google had not already built it (look at how awful the Youtube comments were!). I told them that it was worth trying because even if I failed, hopefully I will inspire others to follow in my footsteps and try to build something even better. What made me “immune” to such ...
MY OPINION: go to YouTube and play some videos of all the controlled demolitions that you want. Notice that YES, in a controlled demolition, there are always a series of controlled and carefully timed explosions created by the demolition crew engineers, to create just the precise sort of coll...
Statement from Prolife Leader Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life Election Victory 2024! Dear Friends, The pro-life movement, and America herself, have been given a reprieve from the onslaught of a Democrat regime that would have tried to erase every protection for unborn children ...
I have been meaning to post this entry for a couple of weeks. I usually do not do this, but it’s not very often that I get to speak at church recently. As some of you already knew, one reason we came back to Macau early during the summer because the pastor at our local church...