New Life Church is associated with the Assemblies of God. We believe that a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. All types of people from all kinds of religious and non-religious backgrounds make up the congregat
Church Life: Pastors, Congregations, and the Experience of Dissent in Seventeenth-Century EnglandJason A. Kerr
11:00AM | LifePointe Church: Building 1 Through LifePointe Church, you have unlimited access to RightNow Media—the world’s largest streaming library of video Bible study resources (it’s been called the “Netflix of video Bible studies”). This extensive library has more than 20,000 video...
only as a children’s and youth pastor. Having been at my former church for a few years, I knew the rhythm and heartbeat of the building, the programs, the services, the extra activities we hosted. Now, I more often than not feel like a stranger. I’m still learning names and getti...
All services LIVE online Tax Deductable Giving Recent Sermons Why Israel byPastor Frank May 8, 2023 Video Ordering Chaos byPastor Frank May 8, 2023 Video Increase byPastor Frank May 8, 2023 Video Failure Is Not Final ...
Ashley Anne Martz and Michael Felix Muzza exchanged wedding vows on May 27, 2023, in the Rose Garden, located in Smale Riverfront Park, on the northern shore of the Ohio River, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Pastor Ron Sinclair performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Jeff and Melissa ...
A busy Sunday morning began with Angie taking 6-year-old Lucas to the ER with a respiratory virus while Pastor David took Noah into church for the worship service. Despite most of the lyrics being in Spanish (go figure!) the team enjoyed the passionate worship & welcoming smiles of the.....
Behind the Franciscan church in Codogno was a 17th-century monastery which had lain abandoned and empty since the time of Napoleon. Francesca told the Msgr. that this was where she wanted to open her convent. It was somewhat in need of repairs but solidly built and just what she needed. ...
high school, friends from college, friends from my first church job as a youth minister, friends from the first church I served as minister, friends from a church I planted in California and stayed for 30 years, and friends from my current church where I am Pastor of Senior Adult Ministry...