The is a Direct Mail Processing LLC that sends IRS or state tax document-looking postcards. They are official-looking, but in reality, they are not. Look at the disclaimer and you will find that they say they are not affiliated or endorsed by any government agency. What is...
[Laughs] How many of those have we had? We’ve partied … and partied … and partied. When I say it like that, I mean three days in a row — and you just have one of your closest friends changing your shirts for you. It’s like that, man. I got a ...
Network Solutions, LLC (R63-LROR) WHOIS REFERRED : CONTENT PAGES IN THIS WEBSITE 128 SSL EXTERNAL LINKS 15,831 SITE IP LOAD TIME 0.547 sec SCORE 6.2 PAGE TITLE <META> DESCRIPTION The Nature Conservancy protects Earth's natural resources and bea...
Nope. Not going back to the cesspool of scammers and exploitative cheapskates. When I fall short for the month, I can pull from what retirement I have. In two years, I can hope that social security survives in some form for me, though with the broligarchs running things now, it’s ...