Our highly skilled, compassionate associates provide skilled nursing and rehabilitation services to the residents of Longmont, CO.
Effects of intensive phonatory-respiratory treatment (LSVT) on voice in individuals with multiple The impact of intensive voice treatment (LSVT) on speech intelligibility in children with Theshort-and long-term effectiveness of the LSVT¨for dysarthria following TBI and stroke.HDI WorkAging...
Life Care Center of Longmont, Colorado Valley View Villa in Fort Morgan, Colorado Life Care Center of Hilo, Hawaii Life Care Center of Lewiston, Idaho Life Care Center of West Bridgewater, Massachusetts Life Care Center of Reno, Nevada Life Care Center of Salt Lake City, Utah Cottesmore of ...
In the short 3 months I have lost 13lbs, 1.8% body fat, 4.25" off my waist, 3.25" off my mama hips, and 2.25" off my thighs.THANK YOU FOR CHANGING MY LIFE TO ALL THE FIT CHICKS IN LONGMONT!!" ~Janelle O'Boyle "I need to say this...I am feeling so good! I took 3 ...
Carlos Egan from Longmont, Colorado JANUARY 9, 2014 Former Marine Infantry in Vietnam. John's songs were always a favorite and still are. Felt like I'd lost a friend when he passed. Spend as much time in his Rockies as I can. His park in Vail...just amazing. Rosann Frech from ...
My brother used to live in Longmont and we made the trip to Colorado every year for almost 20 years, and we both missed the mountains. We talked about driving up to the upper Peninsula of Michigan and getting a cabin and exploring the wilderness up there. We talked about driving to the...
We use single-particle soot photometer (SP2, Droplet Measurement Technologies, Longmont, CO, USA) measurements from 15 flight campaigns: ACCESS (European Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society), ARCPAC (Aerosol, Radiation, and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate), ARCTAS (Arctic Research of...
Pumpkin patch in Longmont, Colorado Pumpkin patch in Lafayette, Colorado My month (+) long hiatus from blogging was unintended. I had big ambitions for July of filling up my queue with posts, photos, throw backs to some journal entries of different adventures in France. Of getting some book...
I met Tanna when she was five weeks old, and I was 22 years old. She was one of eight puppies that were piled together sleeping on a dog bed in Longmont, Colorado. I said I wanted a dog that would be my running companion, and she immediately picked up a petite female who they cal...