Life expectancy is the expected (in the statistical sense) number of years of life remaining at a given age. It is denoted by ,which means the average number of subsequent years of life for someone now aged , according to a particular mortality experience. Because life ...
Factbook>Countries>India>Demographics Life expectancy at birth:total population:70.03 years male:68.71 years female:71.49 years (2021 est.) Definition:This entry contains the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year, if mortality at each age remains constan...
What is an example of life expectancy? An example of life expectancy is Japan's value of 85.03 years in 2020. This means that the average Japanese man or woman tends to be alive for around 85 years. What exactly is life expectancy? Life expectancy can be defined as a statistical measure...
The word "longevity" is sometimes used as a synonym for "life expectancy" in demography. However, the term "longevity" is sometimes meant to refer only to long-lived members of a population, whereas "life expectancy" is always defined statistically as the average number of years remaining at...
In 1900,life expectancyin many European countries and in the United States was less than 50. Í ár 1900 var væntaði livialdurin í nógvum europeiskum londum og í USA styttri enn 50 ár. jw2019 The averagelife expectancyin India is 66 years old. ...
Google Share on Facebook ex·pec·ta·tion of life at birth average number of years of life a newborn baby can be expected to live if current mortality trends continue. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a ...
Statistical Concept and Methodology:Life expectancy at birth used here is the average number of years a newborn is expected to live if mortality patterns at the time of its birth remain constant in the future. It reflects the overall mortality level of a population, and summarizes the mortality...
By and large increasing wealth brings increased longevity in its train, for individuals and for countries. Consequently, the long established rapid growth of Chinese GDP has for many years been paralleled by rapid growth in life expectancy in China. -
Disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) has been used to gain a better understanding of the population’s quality of life. The authors aimed to estimate age and sex-specific disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) for urban and rural areas of Bangladesh, a
This book discusses the methodology adopted to compute active life expectancy using primary data and gives a comprehensive picture of the mortality and morbidity scenario of the states of Kerala, India. The book will particularly be useful to researchers and those who are interested in studies on ...