Life on Earth may have originated in the sky rather than the sea
Apparently, Wegener was correct; the early isolated land forms probably joined together to create a single landmass, or supercontinent calledPangaea, approximately 250 millions years ago at the end of the Paleozoic era. Note in the illustrationPangaeathe proposed shape of the supercontinent. Pangaea. ...
Life on earth originated where later microbial oxygenic photosyn- thesis precipitated banded iron formation, suppressing life diversification for 1.4 Ga. Int. J. Geosci. 4, 10. doi: 10.4236/ijg.2013.410135Lewy Z (2013) Life on earth originated where later microbial oxygenic photosynthesis precipitated...
“Life appeared on Earth about 4 billion years ago, but we still do not know the processes that made it possible,” says Víctor Rivilla, the lead author of a new study published today in the journalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The new results from the Atacama Lar...
is a most valuable asset that should be read by scientists active in the field, by teachers and students who are interested in the most recent thoughts on the subject, and, in fact, by anyone who is interested in how life might have originated and evolved on this planet or on other simi...
It is also conceivable that life originated elsewhere in the uni- verse where conditions were favorable, and transferred to the Earth after the surface conditions became tranquil (Sharov, 2006; Price, 2010). The apparently short timespan between the cooling of the Earth and the appearance of ...
it has also been suggested that life originated and initially evolved in hydrated paleosols (regolith) on land rather than in the ocean81. On the other hand, there are at least three reasons that life evolution up to the point of metazoans must occur in water. First, seawater contains disso...
“Okay, apparently at a crossing someone in a car hit the railguard and broke it because they didn’t want to wait, and then our train ran into the broken guard and it smashed out the driver/engineer’s windows. We’re going to a rail yard about a mile away to turn the train arou...
living matter and nucleic acids origination processes, on the mechanisms of such processes and their thermodynamics, on the mineral substances from which the first entities originated, on the causes of the species diversity, and on the causes and mechanisms of chirality formation and racemization ...
Syphilis originated in the Americas, ancient DNA shows, but European colonialism spread it widelyPaleogenomics has finally solved a question that has puzzled researchers for decades: Where did syphilis come from?Livescience If you have a mouse, this game will keep you awake all ni...