Rumi is calling out the fear of letting go. The voices that tell us to hold on to structure and control—the “they” in this poem—aren’t helping. They keep us stuck, afraid to embrace emptiness, which he sees as the space where freedom and creativity thrive. The message here is to...
I make many poster quotes over on my Facebook pageAmazing Me Movementand so many of them are created with love from deep Rumi quotes on life. I love his words. There is such deep meaning and power to them. Near the end of this blog, I’ll share my absolute favourite Rumi poem with...
’” Wilson said in a 2018 interview. “Martin Luther King was speaking about love, and so were we. It was a time when peace was needed; the civil rights movement was happening. The song … had a peaceful, soothing message, and it fit the times.”...
117. “A poem in my opinion, is opposed to a work of science by having for its immediate object, pleasure, not truth.”— Edgar Allan Poe 118. “I am above the weakness of seeking to establish a sequence of cause and effect, between the disaster and the atrocity.”— Edgar Allan Poe...
22. “The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.”– Robert Frost If you enjoyed this article, read our collection ofRumi quoteson life, love and strength that will inspire you. ...
Just as we easily pass by the love notes from the Earth, we also easily overlook all of the open windows through with we are meant to send our love out into the world. The love that so masterfully forms and shapes this poem living through us. ...
Another part of the high road for Taurus is the ultimate manifestation of an immortalized physical body beyond the touch of aging and so-called death. The Moon, symbol of the feminine or soul life, as well as the soul of Nature, is exalted in Taurus. Through the Moon and its Venusian ...
This is how it is these days. We live with a larger world, with an imagination embracing a vivid past and yet hopeful future, seamlessly braiding life and death, the tragic and the fair. Not many words are needed. Our hearts are broken, and held. ...
There is a very beloved Rumi poem that has the line: “the world is too full to talk about” This is where I am – where I have been for the past year or so. Lots has happened – for all of us on Planet Earth. And also in my personal world. I wanted to catch up with you....
Spring was coming, maybe. A man much of the world will declare is God is making his way inexorably into death. He is going to do that ordinary thing people do every day. He is going to suffer and die. What makes this different is that it is God who is doing this and that God ov...