The season opens with Rick, Morty, and Summer being sent to a galactic prison, where they must complete a series of challenges in order to escape. They are then sent to a planet where they must battle a powerful alien creature known as the Glorzo. Meanwhile, Jerry and Beth attempt to ad...
change - a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event; "he attributed the change to their marriage" relation - an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together difference - a significant change; "the difference in her ...
Current technology has already demonstrated the feasibility of body part replacement in laboratory experiments, most notably the fabrication of a functioning dog's bladder that proved to be viable after successful implantation. Bladders and other simple biological structures more readily lend themselves to...
Romantic HOLIC: Visual Novel is an Adventure, Choice-Matters, Life Simulation, and Single-player video game developed and published by Buff Studios. The theme follows a female protagonist named Jaime, who is in great trouble after a terrible breakup with her boyfriend. She has ended every connec...
After a chase by the police and a stand-off in an abandoned house, Father Clark is able to convince Billy to give himself up. Tried in court and found guilty of murder, Billy receives the death penalty. Father Clark visits Billy in the prison and is there with him until the end of ...
As I have learned in this delicate art of navigating signs and serendipity I have finally, after all these years, become in tune with when I am moving in the wrong direction, when to stand still and when to simply say yes to the unexpected. This was one of those phone calls. ...
(Suddenly nice lady after realizing how hostile she was being)” I could at least appreciate that she realized she was being completely belligerent and just generally lame. I have a way with women where I can make them very nice. Holding some scissors to their hair usually works. Here’s ...
While in prison you were diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome. What led to your eventual diagnosis? After being diagnosed, how was prison life for you? The possibility of having Aspergers was raised before my sentencing, but not brought before the court’s consideration due to fears from ...
At about the halfway point, after spending years being trained by the centaur Chiron and an episode in which Achilles hides out dressed as a girl, the two young men arrive with the vast Greek war force at the beach near Troy. Achilles is now acclaimed as the greatest of the Greek warrio...
I did find that some of what happens in this novel predictable and it definitely requires suspension of disbelief but I still really enjoyed this one. It would make a great holiday read. After Dark by Jane Cowie After Dark is something different in the mystery/thriller genre and I loved ...