After Francis’s death, Clare and her community had the opportunity to venerate his remains, especially the stigmata on his hands and feet, a moment poignantly captured in one of Giotto’s frescoes. In 1228, Cardinal Ugolino, now Pope Gregory IX, visited Assisi for the canonization of Francis...
April 29 –“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Romans 6:23. (more…) Share this: Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in...
spent arriving at middling conclusions. Meanwhile, Rayner commandsDiscoverythrough the crisis on the bridge, as the Breen deploy fighters that chase after the ship, which Rayner intends to defeat by igniting a plasma cloud. Later, an ingenious tech plan (if blatantly and conveniently conjured in a...
Sex, Nudity, and Science Notice: I originally wrote this piece in 2017, when Felicity Jones was still active on social media, and my friend Steve from still graced us with his insight (RIP). When my nudist content migrated over from my literary blog, I neglected to post th...
Reddit Facebook Twitter Email Loading... Life and Death and Jitterbugging All Over The Place Posted: July 9, 2022 in Life, living, mental health, truth-telling, writing Tags: Jitterbug Perfume, Life, music, Tom Robbins, writing 4 My favourite author of all time is about to turn 90 ...
The Death Of Roland's Extremely Spiritual Aunt May Have Sparked His Possession Roland and his Aunt Tillie were very close. He was an only child, and relied on the adults close to his family for friendship, since he wasn't very good at making friends his own age. Roland's...
There was only a brief coda to the exchange, after which we went back to pleasant subjects (well, other than the death of my wife). I said, “President Biden’s attempt to take both sides at once is indefensible.” Always trying to see the other person’s point of view as is his ...
death of a loved one, etc. If this is the case, you must allow yourself to experience the emotions, and seek help if necessary. We’re also not talking here about serious mental or emotional illnesses, for which one needs to be under medical supervision, but rather the typical thoughts ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window) LikeLoading... Integrating the child & adult May 28, 2024Olivia “Hi Olivia, “I thought just no one understands me… You… seem toknowa ...
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