any of these three SNPs could be responsible for the interaction with physical activity (Supplementary Data2). Though no other association between SNP, PALe and IPAQ survived multiple testing corrections, three more SNPs (rs866255, rs10997810, rs4457643) in the vicinity of SIRT1 also showed poss...
I must admit to a deep dark secret – I have eaten a banana practically every day for at least the last 20 years. And what they say is true; after tasting some other varieties, I learned the one the American public gets is very bland compared to others. It is the same situation we ...
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(ciV)escV)hd))btI)boiehsInfehssaioonaicttonsrittgcsstiogcsetrelillasl; viaabsaisslasityayye.deVdfaoflorurceceselllalvrvieaiambbilieiltaiytny..V±VaalSluuEeeMssaa(rrseetmamneedaaannr±d±SSeEErMMror((ssottaafnntdhdaaerrmdd eerrarrnoo)rrsoouff mtthhememmareeiaaznne))dssufurmmommmaatr...