"lies, my dear boy, are found out immediately, because they are of two sorts. there are lies that have short legs, and lies that have long noses. your lie, as it happens, is one of those that have a long nose."—pinocchio, 1892 pepople would lie less if they thought there was ...
This is really impressive. I would love to see this Liberty City Lowlifes Trilogy adopt a sort of common manual of style. With the mugshots, hyperlinks, screenshots, style co-ordinanation in the headers etc. I actually kind of like it when people don't hit us with the full load right...
It’s very hard to imagine, but it is really going to be a complete disaster that is commensurate with the scope and scale of the lies we have been telling ourselves for so long. There are people who say you Chicken Little, doomsday, sky-is-falling guys almost seem to want the system...