Cheating: When Love Lies resists the condemnation of affairs as uniquely wrong or bad and instead considers their usefulness in learning as much about relationships as we learn about our ourselves. On the podcast, Jillian Hamilton narrates short fictional stories about cheating based on true life e...
In The First Wives Club, a comedic romp, three middle-aged friends‚ Elise (Goldie Hawn), Brenda (Bette Midler), and Annie (Diane Keaton)‚ reunite after the death of a college classmate. Shockingly, they discover they've all been dumped for younger women by their husbands. This share...
Curiosity gets the better of her and she asks, "I hope you don’t mind me asking what happened to your first three husbands?" The woman replies, "First one ate poisonous mushrooms and died." "Oh, how tragic!" she gasps. "What about your second husband?" "He ate poisonous mushrooms ...
Cheating: When Love Lies resists the condemnation of affairs as uniquely wrong or bad and instead considers their usefulness in learning as much about relationships as we learn about our ourselves. On the podcast, Jillian Hamilton narrates short fictional stories about cheating based on true life e...
Be a guest on the show: IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
Be a guest on the show: IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
Be a guest on the show: IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
Be a guest on the show: IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
( oh yes she did) that she became aware of his cheating. Join me to find out what helped Victoria emerge from this nightmare to restore her life as a healthy, independent mom. Be a guest on the show: IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the...