(Jack Lynch, "LayversusLie,"The English Language: A User's Guide. Focus Publishing, 2008) "There have been some difficulties with grammar since I last wrote.Layis atransitive verb(Ilaydown a case of claret every month; shelaidthe table),lieanintransitiveone (heliesover there; shelayin be...
Yesterday, I lay there in the sun all day. Yesterday, I laid the book on the counter. Past Participle I have lain here in the sun for days. I have laid the book on the counter. Grammar Monster has a bunch more examples here. You can test your knowledge with the Lay Versus ...
lay takes an object, lie does not. For example, when I "lay me down to sleep," Ilay myselfdown to slumber or simplyliedown. The converse is incorrect: I neither lie myself down nor lay down. (To "lay down," quite literally, is to engage in the placement of soft...
to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest: He lay down on the bed and tried to relax. Grammar Mistakes - LIE or LAY? How do you use laying and lying? The verb 'laying' means 'putting something somewhere'. The verb 'lying' means 'telli...