Lidl家Deluxe的海盐薯片做得相当不错,咸度刚好,也不会特别油腻,整体还蛮清爽的! Way to Go! Chocolate 产品链接 Way to Go!系列的巧克力是Lidl的新款,有黑巧克力、焦糖杏仁海盐巧克力、牛奶巧克力三种,采用的是来自加纳的可可豆,并且保证是符合“公平贸易认证(Fairtrade)”的巧克力哦。委员在这里科普一下:Fairtrade...
Circle K do it well as when you get a prize from them you can choose from a bottle of water and a nut bar (healthy option) or a fizzy drink and a chocolate (junk). Sometimes the app is down and not working for anyone for a couple of hours which is a shame when someone goes ...
Shame I never got to try the other flavours others have said they used to do. There were at least two other flavours, raspberry and cherry. The cherry were my favourite, it's a flavour that always goes well with dark chocolate.
There's plenty of the chocolate & mint advocaat on the shelves though, so I assume it's not nice. I was looking at that but I chickened out and got the plain one- which was very good. Also good are their 3 pack of sweet peppers-green , orange and red- half the price of M&S ...
get a prize from them you can choose from a bottle of water and a nut bar (healthy option) or a fizzy drink and a chocolate (junk). Sometimes the app is down and not working for anyone for a couple of hours which is a shame when someone goes there particularly to use the coupons....
I forget the name but it's in a yellow tub and looks like yoghurt but made mainly of cream and available in vanilla or chocolate. The vanilla reminded me of the artificial 'cream' topping on Birds trifles back in the 70s that you mixed from powder. Probably not something to eat all ...
I forget the name but it's in a yellow tub and looks like yoghurt but made mainly of cream and available in vanilla or chocolate. The vanilla reminded me of the artificial 'cream' topping on Birds trifles back in the 70s that you mixed from powder. Probably not something to eat all ...
I forget the name but it's in a yellow tub and looks like yoghurt but made mainly of cream and available in vanilla or chocolate. The vanilla reminded me of the artificial 'cream' topping on Birds trifles back in the 70s that you mixed from powder. Probably not something to eat all ...
I forget the name but it's in a yellow tub and looks like yoghurt but made mainly of cream and available in vanilla or chocolate. The vanilla reminded me of the artificial 'cream' topping on Birds trifles back in the 70s that you mixed from powder. Probably not something to eat all ...
I forget the name but it's in a yellow tub and looks like yoghurt but made mainly of cream and available in vanilla or chocolate. The vanilla reminded me of the artificial 'cream' topping on Birds trifles back in the 70s that you mixed from powder. Probably not something to eat all ...