Nphet warns public against relying on antigen tests being sold in supermarkets Chief medical officer Tony Holohan ‘genuinely concerned’ at sale of such kits By Paul CullenFri May 07 2021 - 16:24 Time to be hopeful and start planning our summer, says Holohan Ministers consider ‘summer stimu...
One thing I've noticed about this is Lidl always seem to have issues with their in-store WIFI not working when these promotions are on, at least in the branches near me. It's like they don't want too many people redeeming the coupons for free items. The rest of the time when those...
Lidl must be one of the few supermarkets that still sell wine in bottles stopped by those silly plastic stoppers, so I never buy it. Last time I did, I embedded a cork screw as far as it would go, then using a loop of rope slung over the stair banister, I put all my weight on...
Lidl must be one of the few supermarkets that still sell wine in bottles stopped by those silly plastic stoppers, so I never buy it. Last time I did, I embedded a cork screw as far as it would go, then using a loop of rope slung over the stair banister, I put all my weight on...