英伟达自动驾驶Ai技术-Lidar_AI_Solution #英伟达 #计算机 #编程 #程序 #算法,本视频由编程知识导航提供,145次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
A project demonstrating Lidar related AI solutions, including three GPU accelerated Lidar/camera DL networks (PointPillars, CenterPoint, BEVFusion) and the related libs (cuPCL, 3D SparseConvolution, YUV2RGB, cuOSD,). - Lidar_AI_Solution/CUDA-BEVFusion/sr
Breadcrumbs Lidar_AI_Solution / assets/ Directory actions More options Latest commit jingweid remove lfs 66edd4a· Jun 5, 2023 HistoryHistory This branch is 45 commits behind NVIDIA-AI-IOT/Lidar_AI_Solution:master. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date parent directory .....
思岚科技凭借激光雷达传感器硬件、SLAMWARE 自主定位导航算法系统、以及通用型机器人底盘ZEUS系列的全面落地,脱颖而出,荣登【2021中国AI企业商业落地规模潜力TOP100榜单】及2021中国AI商业落地代表性企业行业分布榜【消费级】应用榜单。 2021中国AI企业商业落地规模潜力Top100榜单 在“AI+”这件事上,思岚科技保持了高度专...
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/Lidar_AI_Solution $ cd Lidar_AI_Solution For each specific task please refer to the readme in the sub-folder. 3D Sparse Convolution A tiny inference engine for3d sparse convolutional networksusing int8/fp16. ...
Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Commits Breadcrumbs History for Lidar_AI_Solution CLA.md onmaster User selector Datepicker Commits on May 16, 2023 jingweid committedMay 16, 2023 839d4f5 End of commit history for this file...
A project demonstrating Lidar related AI solutions, including three GPU accelerated Lidar/camera DL networks (PointPillars, CenterPoint, BEVFusion) and the related libs (cuPCL, 3D SparseConvolution, YUV2RGB, cuOSD,). - add cuda12 libspconv · NVIDIA-AI-I
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/Lidar_AI_Solution $ cd Lidar_AI_Solution For each specific task please refer to the readme in the sub-folder. 3D Sparse Convolution A tiny inference engine for3d sparse convolutional networksusing int8/fp16. ...