那些互补的性质使得融合LiDAR和相机用于构建稠密的纹理3D模型变得非常具有吸引力。 图1. 一个商用LiDAR-双目系统被用于收集双目图片(只有左图片被可视化)和LiDAR点云。我们的算法估计相机位姿,生成一个被扫描环境的具有纹理的稠密3D模型和点云地图。 大多数提出的传感器融合算法一般通过LiDAR深度增强图片。然后稀疏的深度...
W. Zhen, Y. Hu, J. Liu, S. Scherer. A Joint Optimization Approach of LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Accurate Dense 3-D Reconstructions. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4), 3585-3592, 2019. 摘要 融合相机和激光的数据十分吸引人,因为它们有互补的性质。例如,相机有更高的分辨率和色彩,LiDAR数...
LiDAR-CameraFusion for 3D Reconstruction 作者robot L主要内容 1. 在任意两帧双目图片中寻找特征点的数据关联;在任意两帧LiDAR点云中寻找点面数据关联。 2. 基于上述关联结果,对于双目图片,构建特征重投影误差约束和深度约束;对于LiDAR点云,构建点面距离约束。并将上述三个约束放入到统一的概率框架中联合优化 3. ...
For applications such as autonomous driving, robotics, navigation systems, and 3-D scene reconstruction, data of the same scene is often captured using both lidar and camera sensors. To accurately interpret the objects in a scene, it is necessary to fuse the lidar and the camera outputs togethe...
3D LIDAR-camera systemextrinsic calibrationsensor fusionThis paper presents a novel way to address the extrinsic calibration problem for a system composed of a 3D LIDAR and a camera. The relative transformation between the two sensors is calibrated via a nonlinear least squares (NLS) problem, which...
Master thesis project realized in partnership with Aalto University and Finnish Geospatial Research Institute of Finland. Stereo Camera-LiDAR calibration. Covers: mono and stereo camera calibration, Camera-LIDAR synchronisation, camera-based and LiDAR-based 3D reconstruction, Camera-LiDAR extrinsic calibration...
LiDAR-camera fusion: Dual transformer enhancement for 3D object detection Recently, the progress in autonomous driving tries to leverage the strong complementarity of LiDAR point clouds and RGB images to realize a high-efficient ... M Chen,P Liu,H Zhao - 《Engineering Applications of Artificial In...
5. 3D Reconstruction of Lake Surface Using Camera and LiDAR Sensor Fusion [D] . Khan, Shahrukh. 2020 机译:3D使用相机和激光雷达传感器融合的湖面重建 6. A Robust Vehicle Localization Approach Based on GNSS/IMU/DMI/LiDAR Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Vehicles [O] . Xiaoli Meng, Heng Wang...
neural radiation field; voxelization; camera pose estimation; multi-sensor fusion; 3D reconstruction1. Introduction The acceleration of urbanization leads to challenges in constructing intelligent/digital cities, which requires understanding and modeling of urban scenes. Over the past years, data-driven ...
For applications such as autonomous driving, robotics, navigation systems, and 3-D scene reconstruction, data of the same scene is often captured using both lidar and camera sensors. To accurately interpret the objects in a scene, it is necessary to fuse the lidar and the camera outputs togethe...