Go to "TF-Luna-LiDAR-Range-Sensor-Demo" -> "Arduino". Under the "Arduino" folder, there are 4 files in order, each representing its own function. Enter the "UART" file folder, use Arduino IDE to open the UART.ino. (Example for data acquisition in UART mode). Connect the Arduino bo...
北醒TF02-Pro 40m IP65防护 激光雷达 单点测距 生活防水 工业级 ¥720.00 查看详情 北醒TFmini Plus -S 激光TOF测距TF Luna飞控Pixhawk Arduino雷达 ¥139.00 查看详情 RK3399友善NanoPC T4开发板ROS双摄4K Lubuntu安卓Android7 8 10 ¥1339.00 查看详情 黑金ALINX FPGA开发板ZYNQ XC7Z AX7010/7020 PYNQ ¥1239....
TF-Luna is a single-point ranging lidar that is based on the TOF principle. With its unique optical and electrical design, it can achieve stable, accurate, and highly sensitive range measurements. The detecting range is 0.2~8m. Small and convenient to install, low power consumption design, an...
TFmini Plus/TF Mimi/TF-luna/ TOF10120 ToF เลเซอร์ Lidar ช่วงเซนเซอร์โมดูลระยะทางอินเทอร์เฟซสําหรับ Arduino UART I2C IICสี: TWTOF240UIร...
北醒TFmini Plus -S 激光TOF测距TF Luna飞控Pixhawk Arduino雷达 ¥ 139.00 龙芯2K1000LA核心板 龙芯COME核心板 龙芯2K1000LACOME COME开发 ¥ 2200.00 佰马科技BMG700多功能智慧路灯杆集控网关边缘计算4G5G工业网关 ¥ 2499.00 无风扇5405U/6405U千兆软路由低功耗迷你主机家用办公esxi爱快 op ¥ 103...
Figure 6.Soldered PCB with 4 motors mounted and TF-Luna LiDAR attached. 3.3. Software Configuration 3.3.1. Software Installation Software installation commences using a cable to connect the RP2040 microcontroller to a computer with an Arduino-compatible integrated development environment (IDE). The ...
Step 2. Copy the code into Arduino IDE and upload. #include "TFLidar.h"#define USETFMINI// #define USETFLUNA#define SERIAL Serial#if defined(SEEED_XIAO_M0) #define uart Serial1#elif defined(SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL) #define uart Serial1#else SoftwareSerial uart(2, 3);#endif#ifdef USETFLUN...
we will mount the OS1-64 to an RC car platform. The system also has an OpenMV camera mounted, but this isn’t used by the Cartographer system. The vehicle can be operated remotely with an Xbox controller. All processing is done on afitlet2with an Arduino Uno providing commands to the...
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“TF-Luna Micro Lidar Sensor”的版本历史 名字空间 页面 English 页面选项 查看 历史查看该页面的日志 搜索修订版本 截止年份: 截止月份: 标签过滤器: 差异选择:选中要对比的版本的单选按钮,按Enter键或下方的按钮。说明:(当前)=与最后版本之间的差异,(之前)=与上一版本之间的差异,小=小编辑。 当前之前 ...