Have a new iPhone 13 Pro, 12 Pro or 2020 iPad Pro with LiDAR sensor? Get this app and try to 3D-scan your house with it! With LiDAR Scanner 3D, making 3D models and exporting them into several formats (USDZ, OBJ, STL, PLY, DXF and LAS) is seamlessly easy. ...
iPhone Screenshots Description NOTE: The app only works on devices with a LiDAR sensor: iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, and iPad Pro 2020 and later. Capture your environment and export 3D models. This app uses LiDAR Scanner to build 3D map. ...
3D Content is becoming more ubiquitous, especially with unique one of kind products. With 3D Scanner Pro, you can easily create 3D models of objects the your potential customers can then see exactly what its going to look like where they want to put it. Sharing Made Easy! One of the most...
這次的爆料是由一個Twitter 帳號 DylanDKT所提出,他在 Twitter 的貼文中表示,今年將推出的 iPhone 13 Pro 將依然會配有 LiDAR 深度感測器,雖然原本外傳 LiDAR 將會下放到全機型都可以使用,但蘋果最後似乎還是決定將 LiDAR 深度感測器這個特色留在 iPhone 13 上面。 順帶一提,DylanDKT在過往的爆料紀錄上有高達 ...
Validation using professional TLS demonstrates the usefulness of the iPhone 13 Pro LiDAR scanner for the purpose of inspections that do not require a high level of accuracy. Additionally, a quick and reliable method of volume calculation using open-source software is shown and evaluate...
ikea 的 App 讓大家可以利用 AR 擺放虛擬的傢俱在畫面中,購買前更可以知道實際買回來後會是怎麼樣的感覺;3D Scanner 掃描 App也是利用 LiDAR 繪製出空間的 3D 圖,未來在專業工作上,3D 模型、空間的製作上也會很方便,甚至利用 iPhone 掃描玩室內的 3D 圖以後,還可以輸出成 CAD 檔案,輸入電腦後繼續更進階的...
3D Scanner Pro is a simple and robust tool for creating 3D model of objects and spaces in minutes. • Capture On Device Aim the camera toward an object to to create 3D Object • Optimize Models Use powerful on-device 3D editor to clean up your captured model ...
I've already tried a few earlylidar-enabled 3D scanning appson the iPhone 12 Pro with mixed success (3D Scanner App, Lidar Scanner and Record3D), but they can be used to scan objects or map out rooms with surprising speed. The 16-foot effective range of lidar's scanning is enough ...
结合iPhone上的软件,激光雷达扫描仪可用于创建物体及其周围环境的3D显示。当然,我们需要从App Store下载的一些软件来实现相应的功能。 目前,只有iPhone 12 Pro、iPhone 13 Pro、iPad Pro 11英寸(第2代和第3代)和 iPad Pro 12.9英寸(第4和第5代)配备激光雷达扫描仪。如果你去查看设备上的摄像头阵列,LiDAR扫描仪...
IT之家创建了多个模型进行测试,相比市面上例如“3D Scanner App”等同类扫描建模应用,苹果 Reality Composer 创建的 3D 模型质量较高,但仅能扫描直径介于 8cm 至 2m 之间的物体。在创建模型后,用户还可以将模型以 USDZ 模式导出,并利用 AR 将相关模型放置于现实中进行观看。苹果公司在今年推出了 Vision Pro ...