3D Scanner Pro is a simple and robust tool for creating 3D model of objects and spaces in minutes. • Capture On Device Aim the camera toward an object to to create 3D Object • Optimize Models Use powerful on-device 3D editor to clean up your captured model ...
3D Content is becoming more ubiquitous, especially with unique one of kind products. With 3D Scanner Pro, you can easily create 3D models of objects the your potential customers can then see exactly what its going to look like where they want to put it. Sharing Made Easy! One of the most...
The How to Use Room Scanner article will guide you through this intuitive process. And for those who are more interested in visual instructions, the same information is available in the Scanning a Room in AR video. Work With Your Home Design Project Now that you have the 3D model on your...
Lidar scanner 3d: 5DPlan 4+ Room & Floor plan creator Gil Nakache Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots Mac iPhone iPad Description "Welcome to a new era of spatial design and planning. Our app transforms your iPhone or iPad into a powerful tool that brings your vision to life. 1. ...
iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR扫描的另一个用处:直接检测身高 本文转自【cnBeta.COM】;据外媒报道,苹果日前介绍称,iPhone 12 Pro型号配备了一款可以增强现实体验的新激光雷达扫描仪(LiDAR Scanner),但该传感器还能实现另一项独特功能,即使用测量应用立即测量出一个人的身高。你甚至可以测量一个人坐在椅子上的高度...
iPhone 16被爆采用LiDAR Scanner,拍照实力将再次提升~ LiDAR Scanner,对于捕捉深度信息会有所帮助,可增加人像的成片效率虚化更自然,iPhone 16发力增强了人像拍摄方面体验,国产手机同样早已在人像这一块发力。 就好比如说,OPPO Reno11系列就是一款主打人像拍摄的手机,采用了3200万像素的「单反级人像摄像头」,拥有3K以内...
iPad iPhone Description LIDAR SCANNER Immerse yourself in your environment utilizing the ground-breaking Lidar sensor on your Apple device. App store’s most feature packed Lidar app offers: 3D SCAN & EXPORT Scan surroundings & objects for quick analysis and conversion into 3D. • Scan interiors...
iPhone 16被爆采用LiDAR Scanner,拍照实力将再次提升~ LiDAR Scanner,对于捕捉深度信息会有所帮助,可增加人像的成片效率虚化更自然,iPhone 16发力增强了人像拍摄方面体验,国产手机同样早已在人像这一块发力。 就好比如说,OPPO Reno11系列就是一款主打人像拍摄的手机,采用了3200万像素的「单反级人像摄像头」,拥有3K以内...
AR 尺子 量尺 3d 测距仪 Lidar Scanner 4+ 直尺软件 米尺 卷尺 Tape Measure App Grymala sp. z o.o. 专为iPad 设计 4.7 • 67 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 AR Ruler – 使用增强现实测量物体。准确测量距离、面积和角度,直接通过手机操作!快速、简单、方便。 AR Ruler ...
IT之家创建了多个模型进行测试,相比市面上例如“3D Scanner App”等同类扫描建模应用,苹果 Reality Composer 创建的 3D 模型质量较高,但仅能扫描直径介于 8cm 至 2m 之间的物体。在创建模型后,用户还可以将模型以 USDZ 模式导出,并利用 AR 将相关模型放置于现实中进行观看。苹果公司在今年推出了 Vision Pro ...