Previously, sensing technologies that have been used in the presence of obscurants include RADAR based sensors53,54, and passive sensors based on thermal imaging55,56. There has been some previous work on using LiDAR for imaging through obscurants, but this was mostly laboratory-based work or ...
I am asked to delineate between UAV and UAS. Previously I would have thought of UAS as the air vehicle and the controlling hardware/software only. But after this week I’ve learned that the system may also include ground-based radar systems, air-...
(carbon black), and TiO2were mixed thoroughly in clear varnish at a ratio of 7:1. The well-mixed paints were then sprayed onto glass substrates to form coatings with a thickness of approximately 30 μm using a spray gun and dried at room temperature. To prepare the TiO2-surfacer samples,...
However, radar and hyperspectral imagery cannot be used to directly retrieve water depth, and photogrammetry requires very clear water conditions [3]. Meanwhile, their precision is relatively poor, and they cannot provide a high-resolution distribution (errors in the order of 1 m) [4–6]. ...
This simple relation in Equation (4) also explains why millimeter wave radar has great challenges in achieving image grade resolution with reasonable size and cost. 4.1.2. Beam Steering Range The requirement on the range of beam steering or FOV is comparably less stringent. Axial rotation-based ...
One cost-effective way to capture the changing morphology of the shoreline is to obtain a proxy shoreline feature (e.g., MHW) via DEM derived from laser scanning provided by airborne LiDAR [9,82,83]. Another approach is to extract the boundary (water or land) directly from that generated...
One cost-effective way to capture the changing morphology of the shoreline is to obtain a proxy shoreline feature (e.g., MHW) via DEM derived from laser scanning provided by airborne LiDAR [9,82,83]. Another approach is to extract the boundary (water or land) directly from that generated...