Text2LiDAR:文本引导的无条件点云生成新SOTA(ECCV'24) 论文题目:《Text2LiDAR: Text-guided LiDAR Point Cloud Generation viaEquirectangular Transformer》 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2407.19628 代码地址:https://github.com/wuyang98/Text2LiDAR 一句话概括 本文探索了一种文本引导激光雷达点云生成的Transfor...
C/C++ code generation is not supported. For Each subsystems are not supported. Rapid acceleration mode is not supported. Use of the Detection Concatenation block with this block is not supported. You cannot concatenate point cloud data with detections from other sensors. If a model does not con...
Experimental results on KITTI-360 and nuScenes datasets demonstrate both the robust expressiveness and fast speed of our LiDAR point cloud generation.Hu, QianjiangPeking UniversityZhang, ZhiminPeking UniversityHu, WeiPeking UniversitySpringer, ChamEuropean Conference on Computer Vision...
Simulated pointclouds / Simulators Virtual Generation of Lidar Data for Autonomous Vehicles Simulation of a lidar sensor inside a virtual world Bachelors Thesis 2017 pdf A LiDAR Point Cloud Generator: from a Virtual World to Autonomous Driving ACM 2018 [pdf] Udacity based simulator [link, git] Tut...
Terrain, the new software module by YellowScan Add-on for the YellowScan CloudStation suite improves accuracy and ease of use for point cloud rendering Montpellier, France – March 10th, 2021 – YellowScan, a global leader and designer of next generation of UAV LIDAR solutions, announces the imme...
Setup Scenario for Synthetic Data Generation The scenario used in this example is created using drivingScenario (Automated Driving Toolbox). The data from radar and lidar sensors is simulated using drivingRadarDataGenerator (Automated Driving Toolbox) and lidarPointCloudGenerator (Automated Driving Tool...
This paper introduces the JHCTech® Roadside MEC Equipment based on the 11th-Generation Intel® Core™ Processors and Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit, which is used to support the 3D point cloud processing based on deep learning and the ...
Indoor map generation is realized by sequentially applying this integration procedure to every pair of point clouds. Also, the experiments on real data show that our method can identify the relative positions of LIDARs with 10cm-order errors in average, and by sequentially applying the point-cloud...
PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud From Points to Parts: 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud with Part-aware and Part-aggregation Network PV-RCNN:Point-Voxel Feature Set Abstraction for 3D Object Detection ...
Fast-Point-RCNN 题目:Fast Point R-CNN 名称:快速点 R-CNN 论文:https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.02990 FVNet 题目:FVNet: 3D Front-View Proposal Generation for Real-Time Object Detection from Point Clouds 名称:FVNet:用于从点云进行实时对象检测的 3D 前视图建议生成 ...