As mentioned, it can take a while for lichen planus to resolve, and some people get the rash back again, just as it is seeming to go away. Oral forms of the condition are usually the most tenacious and make take the longest to cure. Eventually most people do recover from this painful ...
Lichen planus is a condition where there is inflammation on areas of the skin and mucous membranes lining the cavities thereby causing lesions ranging from purple to white. It can cause pain in the mouth and itching on the skin. The exact cause is unknown but it appears to be triggered by ...
Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by lesions involving the skin (i.e., cutaneous), mucosa (i.e., mucosal), and hair or nails (i.e., appendageal). It most commonly affect...
LICHEN planusSKIN diseasesKERATOSISRETROSPECTIVE studiesLITERATURE reviewsEPIDEMIOLOGYBackgroundLichen planus of the lips (LPL) is not frequently described in the literature. The objective of this study is to investigate the clinical outline, behavior, and prognosis of LPL. MethodsClinical data of patients...
The meaning of LICHEN SCLEROSUS ET ATROPHICUS is a chronic skin disease that is characterized by the eruption of flat white hardened papules with central hair follicles often having black keratotic plugs.
British Dental JournalMcGimpsey JG, O'Brien FV. Oral lichen planus associated with psoriasis of the skin. Br Dent J 1974;136:53‑7.Mc Gimpsy J.G., O'Brien F.V.: Oral lichen planus associa- ted with psoriasis of the skin. Br Dent J 1974, 136, 53-57....
Stankler L., Ewan S.W. The effects of experimental skin damage in patients with lichen planus. A preliminary communication. Br J Dermatol 1974; 90: 25–28Stankler, L. & Ewen, S.W.B. ( 1974 ) The effects of experimental skin damage in patients with lichen planus . British Journal of...
The apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for glucose-6-phosphate of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase has been measured in extracts prepared from biopsies of normal human skin and from both affected and apparently normal skin of patients with lichen planus. No differences of Km were found ...
The significance of deposition of immunoglobulin and/or complements at the dermoepidermal junction (DEJ) and civatte bodies in skin lesions of 15 histopathologically confirmed cases of lichen planus (LP) was evaluated. Civatte boides were seen in 6 (40#x0025;) patients while in 9 (60#x0025...
Background: The pathogenesis of lichen planus (LP) is mostly autoimmune, while psychological and infectious factors are recognized to trigger or aggravate the disease. An association with diabetes is reported. Our objective was to determine the epidemio-clinical characteristics of LP and its ...