education graduatesclsu experienceThis study analyzed the to determine the performance of Education Graduates in Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), 306 graduate sample respondents paDela Rosa, RhodoraVargas, DaniloSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
licensure examinationprofessional education coursesThe purpose of the present study is to construct and validate a pre-licensure examination for the primary and secondary pre-service teachers that include the prRoldan, Amalia EganaMagno, CarloSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The purpose of the present study is to construct and validate a pre-licensure examination for the primary and secondary pre-service teachers that include the professional education courses based on the areas covered in the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in the Philippines using the Rasch ...
The results revealed that LET takers have difficulty passing the specialization areas in the Licensure examination for teachers. BSEd graduates perform better in the three areas of the exam than non-BSEd graduates. High scholastic ratings and passing admission scores have a better perf...
7836 (The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994) mandates the conduct of the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). It was enacted in recognition of the "role of teachers in nation-building and development through a responsible and literate citizenry."Manila Bulletin...
This study aimed to determine the predictive validity of selected measures of teacher education for first-time performance on the licensure examination for teachers in the Philippines. A retrospective research design was employed in the study. The results revealed that the linear comb...
Teacher education An examination of licensure| Examining the effect of licensed and non-licensed teachers on the oral language development of preschool students in one public school district's program THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Judith Irvin Charles...
Exam and Honours received in High School; determined the performance of the examinees in General Education and Professional Education; found out the relationship between the performance and the profile and determined the varieties which could predict the Licensure Examination ...
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced Tuesday that 1,184 elementary teachers out of 2,656 examinees (44.58%) and 13 Accelerated Teacher Education Program (A.T.E.P.) graduates out of 33 examinees (39.39%) passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (L.E.T).The Board for ...
Five-year Performance of the Teacher Education Graduates in the Licensure Examination for TeachersDesiree F. BotenganApler J. BansiongRosita B. Kudan