WARNING! Current SDK releases for Windows only support Visual Studio 2015-2022.Do not update if you need to use an older compiler. Readthisfor more information. SilverLining release notes SilverLining SDK, with Full Source, for Windows
I have a case where customer installed 2019 Server Standard Core EVAL version and has it all setup and configured for production and we can’t convert it to non-EVAL version. I did a new install m... I'd assume its an uncorrected bug. I just now tried a n...
We currently have Hybrid Azure Joined setup where new devices are provisioned by Autopilot and enrolled into Intune and existing devices are hybrid joined and enrolled into Intune via group policy. The setup is working as expected, However we have a few hundred existing device...
Create a writable folder to cache downloadable third-party packages. You can also use this to store other redistributable SDKs. Install the following redistributables: Visual Studio and VC++ redistributable can be installed to any location.
andreasebner and jpfr fix(server) init mqtt server config 673bb1e Mar 21, 2022 Git stats 8,198 commits Files Type Name Latest commit message Commit time .azure-pipelines refactor(ci): Move Azure CI to Visual Studio 2019 March 18, 2022 23:41 .github core(deps): Bumps LibreSSL...
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.dll Tells Visual Studio which classes a package needs through a list of license keys. You can get an instance of the interface through the SLicensedClassManager (SID_SLicensedClassManager)...
WARNING! Current SDK releases for Windows only support Visual Studio 2015-2022.Do not update if you need to use an older compiler. Readthisfor more information. SilverLining release notes SilverLining SDK, with Full Source, for Windows
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop.dll Passed to GetService(Type) to return a reference to ILicensedClassManager. C++/CX コピー public interface class SLicensedClassManager Attributes ComVisibleAttribute GuidAttribute Applies to 製品バージョン Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 こ...
Thank you in advanced for your help. Kind regards, Marcel HiMarcelReiPW Under the terms of the BTC2 promotion, the customer can no longer benefit from a discounted move to the cloud. However, I understand that this was still available under the Cloud Migrati...