“The new Massachusetts Pet Trust Law: Who is going to take care of Max and Fluffy if something happens to you?” by Robert L. Vitale, Esq. Prepare for the Spring Market: Characteristics you need in a Real Estate Agent “Three Easy Steps To Help You Get Started With Your Estate Plan”...
We offer real estate appraisals in all of Massachusetts and Rhode Island and parts of Connecticut and New Hampshire. Massachusetts: Barnstable County Berkshire County Bristol County Dukes County Essex County Franklin County Hampden County Hampshire County ...
but aquotewill be sent to you before an appointment is set. The average fee to find out the condition of the house you are buying is around $750. (Compared to the average commission of $40,000 paid to real estate agents to sell the house, a home inspection by a professional inspector...
Berkshire County, Massachusetts Real Estate for Sale & Apartment Rentals. Reach Your Peak with Greylock Realty! Offering the finest homes, real estate, and rental properties in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, including Williamstown, Adams, North Adams,
Real Estate Appraisals - Trahan Real Estate Service is a full service, FHA approved, real estate appraisal and consulting firm servicing Massachusetts including Norfolk County, Barnstable County, Plymouth County and Bristol county. Also licensed in Rhod