GPL是一個Copyleft許可證,這意味著衍生作品只能以相同的許可條款分發。 LASER-wikipedia2 The Ubuntu Font Licence allows the fonts to be "used, studied, modified and redistributed freely" given that the license terms are met. Ubuntu字型授權條款允許使用的字型可以「自由的使用、研究、修改及再分發」...
License Terms OneSoft软件许可条款 数控虚拟培训系统简体中文版 及试用版 这些许可条款是OneSoft(或您所在地的供应商)与您之间达成的协议。请阅读条款内容。这些条款适用于上述软件,包括您用来接收该软件的介质(如有)。这些条款也适用于OneSoft为该软件提供的任何 •更新 •补充程序 •基于Internet的服务和 ...
these terms and conditions to any other [...] 除非本条款和条件另有明确规定,您无权作出、且特别同意不作出以下行为:(a)试图向任何其他人转让、转移 或再许可根据本条款和条件获得的任何许可权利;(b)对网站作出错误更正或以其他方式对其修改或改动,根据本网站创造任何衍生作品,或允许...
解析 D[考点]事实细节题 [精析]D根据文章第二段第一句In terms of sociology, teenage people in the United States view obtaining a driver’s license as one rite of passage toward adulthood.可知,在美国,青少年拿到驾照就意味着他们已经长大了。故选D...
Visual Studio相关协议 Huawei Cloud 4.2 源码声明 源代码里最上边可以声明下版权,这里给个模板 /* Copyright (C) xxx公司/个人 - All Rights Reserved ...
" 公司解释,该变动主要是为了“加快获得监管部门许可证的步伐。” Authors who wish to be able to enforce license terms against users of their source code or compiled programs may find this interesting. 对于希望用户能遵守授权条文的原始码或程式作者应该会觉得这一篇文章很实用。 I suppose anything is...
aThese license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of its affiliates) and you. Please read them. They apply to the software named above, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. The terms also apply to any Microsoft 这些...
• The Justice Department negotiated a settlement in 1994 of charges that Microsoft enforced anticompetitive software licensing terms computer manufacturers. be licensed to do something• Here, you were licensed to admire without discrimination: the body as aesthetic object, pure and simple.• ...