Since computing Hilbert curve index in the compute shader adds measurable cost (~7%), we optionally precompute it into a lookup texture which reduces this overhead. C++/HLSL code to compute the Hilbert Index is available in XeGTAO.h and the user can choose between the (simpler) GPU ...
mingw-w64-dnslookup mingw-w64-dnssec-anchors mingw-w64-docbook-dsssl mingw-w64-docbook-mathml mingw-w64-docbook-sgml mingw-w64-docbook-sgml31 mingw-w64-docbook-xml mingw-w64-docbook-xsl mingw-w64-docbook5-xml mingw-w64-doctest mingw-w64-dosbox mingw-w64-double-conversion mingw-...
[DataGridPro] Fix row ID type casting in detail panels lookup (#8976) @minchaej [DataGridPro] EmitcolumnWidthChangeevent ontouchEndof column resize (#8669) @MBilalShafi [DataGridPro] Do not apply filters onrowExpansionChange(#8671) @cherniavskii [DataGridPro] Prevent click event on sorting ...
but that does not make the article“horribly misleading”— maybe you shouldlookup the word. As for your analogy, a more apt one would be an article about how to make a car door lock that can’t be picked, and you coming along claiming it is horribly misleading because a robber can st...
TFormPlacement.RegistryRoot TFormPlacement.Version TFontComboBox.UseFonts TRxDBGrid.OnTopLeftChanged TRxDBLookupCombo.DisplayValues TStrHolder.Macros, TStrHolder.OnExpandMacros RxSpin.TValueType.vtHex New routines, methods, constants: SaveClipboardToStream, LoadClipboardFromStream (clipmon.pas) AppFileNa...
mingw-w64-dnslookup mingw-w64-dnssec-anchors mingw-w64-docbook-dsssl mingw-w64-docbook-mathml mingw-w64-docbook-sgml mingw-w64-docbook-sgml31 mingw-w64-docbook-xml mingw-w64-docbook-xsl mingw-w64-docbook5-xml mingw-w64-doctest mingw-w64-dosbox mingw-w64-double-conversion mingw-...