Exception in thread "main" de.schlichtherle.license.IllegalPasswordException: The password does not match the default policy: At least six characters consisting of letters and digits! 1. certificate is not yet valid 注意properties里设置的时间要合理就好了,比如我今天7.8 ,我发布和有效都是7.25,有效期...
aThis Certificate and the shares represented hereby are subject to the laws of the State of Nevada,and to the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Corporationm,as now or hereafter amended.This Certificate is not valid until countersigned by the Transfer Agent. 这份证明和特此代表的份额...
publicclassLicenseService{privatebyte[]licenseData;publicvoidsetLicenseData(byte[]licenseData) {this.licenseData=licenseData;}publicbooleanvalidateLicense()throwsException {if(licenseData==null||licenseData.length==0) {thrownewIllegalArgumentException("License data is empty");}// 解析证书数据X509Certific...
adj.+n.valid license,permanent license,special license,temporary license v.+n.get license,issue license,revoke license,renew license,grant license 近义词 v.certify,permit,allow,authorize,accredit n.certificate,authorization,pass,excess,immoderation ...
Please note thatboth the user name and license keyarecase-sensitive. Please make sure that you are using the user name which is specified in your license certificate email. If a license is registered in your company name, it will not work with your personal name. ...
= content.getConsumerAmount())thrownewLicenseContentException(EXC_CONSUMER_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_ONE); }else{if(0>= content.getConsumerAmount())thrownewLicenseContentException(EXC_CONSUMER_AMOUNT_IS_NOT_POSITIVE); } }/// Methods for license certificates.///** * Returns th...
Valid SSL certificate is configured on the License servers. What does the error message "Failed to update local trusted store - Maximum buffer size exceeded" mean? How to resolve this issue? ### $ nvidia-smi +---+ | NVIDIA-SMI 525.105.17 Driver Version:...
When liberty becomeslicensedictatorship is near. 当自由变成了放纵,专政就不会远了. 期刊摘选 Mylicenseis in good shape. 我的驾照不会有问题. 口语例句 With that, the boy gave the game warden a valid fishinglicense. 男孩给了看守人一个有效的钓鱼证. ...
If and when Licensor has a legal obligation to collect such taxes, Licensor will invoice You the amount of such taxes, and You will pay such amount unless You provides iSpring with a valid tax exemption certificate or valid VAT ID prior to the issuance of an invoice, provided, however, ...
docker报错: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid 2019-12-18 16:15 −环境:centos7 问题:docker 启动没问题,但是下载 镜像时报错 问题说明:这种错误,一般都是本地系统时间错误导致报错证书过期,所以先查看本地系统时间 最终发现问题是系统时间不同步 ps:当前时间是2019-12-18 解决方式 1.安装...