Life Insurance Corporation of India’s LIC Jeevan Labh plan offers the below host of benefits: Minimum and maximum entry age: 8 and 59 years Premium paying term: is lesser compared to the policy term Policy term: the plan has a policy term of 16/21/25 years. Tax benefits: Tax benef...
An Accidental Death Benefit rider is available with some extra cost in this policy till the age of 70 years. Special feature of this plan is High bonus, High liquidity and Savings oriented LIC New Jeevan AnandPlanKey Features : 1.Endowment cum whole life plan, 2. Life Cover continues till...
For instance, if you are holding aJeevan LaabhPolicy with a Sum Assured amount of Rs. 10 lakhs and policy term for 25 years. The bonus declared this year is Rs. 47, then your bonus amount would be Rs. 47,000 for the current year that you will receive on maturity. Read:How much co...
Moreover, these plans also provide life-long protection and high returns on investment. Some of the most popular plans include the Jeevan Ankur Plan, Jeevan Anand Plan, New Children’s Money Back Plan and New Endowment Plan. Each plan offers different features suited to different needs, so it...
(31,9); cout<<"1. Endowment Policy"; gotoxy(31,11); cout<<"2. Money Back Policy"; gotoxy(31,13); cout<<"3. Jeevan Kishore"; gotoxy(31,15); cout<<"4. Jeevan Anand"; gotoxy(31,17); cout<<"5. Jeevan Surabhi"; cout<<"\n\n"; for(x=0;x<80;x++) { ...
AT. LIC launches new Jeevan Anand Plan - Free Press JournalLIC launches new Jeevan Anand PlanFree Press Journal