uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*) client, alloc_buffer, read_cb); 3.8、uv_buf_t 和 uv_buf_init uv_buf_t是libuv 中的一种特殊的数据类型,和 Redis 的 SDS 有一点相似度,声明如下: typedefstructuv_buf_t{char* base;size_tlen; }uv_buf_t; uv_buf_t可以使用uv_buf_init初始化 示例: uv_buf...
3.8、uv_buf_t 和 uv_buf_init uv_buf_t是libuv 中的一种特殊的数据类型,和 Redis 的 SDS 有一点相似度,声明如下: typedef struct uv_buf_t { char* base; size_t len; } uv_buf_t; 1. 2. 3. 4. uv_buf_t可以使用uv_buf_init初始化 示例: uv_buf_t uvBuf = uv_buf_init(buf->base,...
参数4:已经初始化完成的指向uv_buf_t结构体的指针,该结构体实际包含一个指向一个数组的指针以及数组中有效的数据长度。 结构体原型: typedef struct uv_buf_t { char* base; size_t len; } uv_buf_t; 常用uv_buf_init函数初始化 参数5:一般写1(在官方文档中没找到具体的介绍) 参数6:偏移量,一般写-1...
void on_open(uv_fs_t *req) { // The request passed to the callback is the same as the one the call setup // function was passed. assert(req == &open_req); if (req->result >= 0) { iov = uv_buf_init(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ...
uv_fs_write(uv_default_loop(),&write_req,1,&iov,1,-1,on_write);}}void on_open(uv_fs_t*req){//The request passed to the callback is the same as the one thecallsetup//functionwas passed. assert(req==&open_req);if(req->result>=0){iov=uv_buf_init(buffer,sizeof(buffer));...
r = uv_udp_init(uv_default_loop(),&client); ASSERT(r == 0); buf = uv_buf_init("PING", 4); r = uv_udp_send(&req, &client,&buf, 1, addr, cl_send_cb); voidcl_send_cb(uv_udp_send_t* req,intstatus) {} UDP服务端: r = uv_udp_init(uv_default_loop(),&server); ...
// on_wrote_init_ack will be called. The peer state is passed to the write // request via the data pointer; the write request does not own this peer // state - it's owned by the client handle. uv_buf_t writebuf = uv_buf_init(peerstate->sendbuf, peerstate->sendbuf_end); ...
void on_open(uv_fs_t *req) { // The request passed to the callback is the same as the one the call setup // function was passed. assert(req == &open_req); if (req->result >= 0) { iov = uv_buf_init(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ...
The problem API signature is uv_buf_init(char*, unsigned int), causing an issue when called with large allocations (truncating the length to 0x80000000). Example: size_t len = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 6; // 6GB char* data = (char*)malloc(len); assert(data != NULL); uv_buf_t ...