Then when A is unplugged, handle is still pointing to the libusb_device_handle for device B from the previous invocation of the callback. To fix that, I think would need to find any already open libusb_device_handle associated with a libusb_device, and call libusb_close on that found ...] [10:54:53.151] USB: Could not read device interface GUIDs: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2) [18900:13784:0621/] [10:54:53.161] USB: ...
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ namespace LibUsbDotNet.LibUsb /// </example> public interface IUsbDevice : IDisposable { /// /// Gets the underlying device handle. The handle is populated when you open the device /// using <see cref="Open"/>, and cleared when you close the device using...
I want to detect when a user disconnects the device while the device is open. Libusb provides the error codes LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE/LIBUSB_TRANSFER_NO_DEVICE for this. However, when testing with my Windows 10 machine and the WinUSB driv...
Consider the following scenario: Usbboot runs successfully on a device Before the block device gets a chance to appear, we run usbboot again If we're fast enough, usbboot will try to claim the de...