endpoint = &conf_desc->usb_interface[i].altsetting[j].endpoint[k];printf(" endpoint[%d].address: %02X\n", k, endpoint->bEndpointAddress);// Use the first interrupt or bulk IN/OUT endpoints as default for testingif((endpoint->bmAttributes & LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_MASK) & (LIBUSB_TRANSFE...
I am using libusb + WinUSB backend to communicate with iPhone on Windows. first, iPhone is recognized as a MTP device; then i replace iPhone's driver with WinUSB(zadig/libwdi generate the driver); libusb then can open iPhone and claim in...
网络问题😶🌫️ npm的默认地址是国外的,在下载依赖时,由于网速问题可能会导致这样那样的错误~...
darwin_claim_interface seems to fail on macOS 12.4+ on some devices. I tried connection iOS devices and I get a LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND as a result of that function. On macOS version 12.3.1 the function works without issues. For more info...
When using the function "uvc_open" in libuvc on MacOS Monterey 12.0, the following exception will be thrown: libusb: info [darwin_claim_interface] USBInterfaceOpen: another process has device opened for exclusive access. Does anyone know...
I'm trying to interact with a USB camera using a library which in turn uses node-usb. The issue is that attempts to "open" the USB device produce a LIBUSB_ERROR_IO exception, and I see usbfs: process 12689 (node) did not claim interface 0 before use in dmesg(I'm on Linux). I...