from inside read_callback() */libusb_submit_transfer(dev->transfer);// Notify the main thread that the read thread is up and running.pthread_barrier_wait(&dev->barrier);/* Handle all the events. */while(!dev->shutdown_thread) {intres;structtimevaltv;tv.tv_sec =0; tv.tv_usec =100...
1libusb_bullk_transfer 是libusb提供的函数;2do_syun_bulk_transfer 执行具体的工作3//在do_sync_bulk中4{5alloc_transfer();6fill_bulk_transfer();7submit_transfer();8sync_transfer_wait_for_completion();9}10//其中submit又是重点:11submit_transfer(){12ref_device();13mutex_lock &transfer_lock;...
int libusb_submit_transfer (struct libusb_transfer *transfer) 提交一次传输。 int libusb_cancel_transfer (struct libusb_transfer *transfer) 取消传输。 void libusb_transfer_set_stream_id (struct libusb_transfer *transfer, uint32_t stream_id) 设置传输批量流ID。 uint32_t libusb_transfer_get_st...
*5.提交传输:调用libusb_submit_transfer() * *也可以让buffer参数为NULL, *这种情况下libusb_transfer::length就不会被设置, *需要手工去设置ibusb_transfer::buffer、ibusb_transfer::length * *参数: *transfer-要设置的libusb_transfer结构体 *dev_handle-设备句柄 *buffer-数据buffer,如果不是NULL的话,它...
int API_EXPORTED libusb_submit_transfer(struct libusb_transfer *transfer); 2.9.8 处理事件 有4 个函数,其中 2 个没有completed后缀的函数过时了: /** ingroup libusb_poll * 处理任何'pengding的事件' * * 使用异步传输函数时,提交的tranfer结构体后就返回了。 * 可以使用本函数处理这些传输的返回结果...
In windows 11 x64 system, trying to connect a composite device( WinUSB and MSC), Mass Storage Device works fine, while I try to send data through WinUSB, my app exit with error at libusb_submit_transfer func with error code LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, I tried different interfaces and endp...
libusb:error [submit_iso_transfer] submiturb failed error -1 errno=2on internet i found that errno = 2 means that the ioctl can'f find theendpoint or that the endpoint doesn't exist...the same code works using an async control transfer (fill thelibusb_transfer struct with cont...
libusb_transfer,int libusb_control_transfer(libusb_device_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t bmRequestType, uint8_t bRequest, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, unsigned char *data, uint16_t wLength, unsigned int
Hi All, Using macOS Sierra and gphoto2 2.5.15, libgphoto2 2.5.16, when trying to open my camera (which used to work before I had to reload by MacBook), I get the following from the debug log screen: 0.089642 gp_port_open (2): Opening USB...
【git】【IDEA】git执行clone报错error: RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining 解决方案 2019-12-23 15:28 −问题描述: 使用IDEA的git插件,clone远程仓库一个项目,报错如下: 报错内容如下: fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly error: RPC failed; curl 18 transf...