Editorial de Textos escolares. Libros en español, libros en ingles, obras de ficcion. Literatura puertorriqueña; literatura cubana. Distribuidora de libros en español en Iberoamerica y Estados Unidos.
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Dragon Ball: La vez que me Reencarne en Yamcha – Edición Ivrea Argentina $ 40.000 MANGA, Minetaró Mochizuki, Nueva colección, ovni, Seinen Dragon Head – Edición Ovni $ 85.000 IVREA, MANGA, Nueva colección, Seinen, Tatsuki Fujimoto Fujimoto Short Stories: 17-21 l 22-26 – Edici...
but she and me and Agnes took lights and went up into the nursery first, and then we roamed over the great large house, calling and entreating Miss Rosamond to come out of her hiding place, and not frighten us to death
"I shall look up my friend's habitation in the morning," said the student, as he went over to collect his books. "The third picture from the fireplace, I shall not forget." He picked up the books one by one, commenting on them as he lifted them.Conic Sectionshe does not mind, no...
Popol vuh en inglesTedlock, DennisTouchtone Books
Letras Al Dia Daily Letters: En Ingles y Espanol in English and SpanishJuan Jose RodriguezAuthor House
She bent over the ring for a moment, her face quite concealed as though examining it. The old man looked straight out of the front of the shanty before him, at the same time fumbling in his pockets and producing a screw of tobacco in a paper and a pipe, which he proceeded to fill....
En el valle de la sombra La casa del Juez Bilingüe En el el valle de la sombra - In the valley of the shadow ESCRITORES INGLESES Arthur Conan Doyle Charles Dickens Edith Nesbit Elisabeth Barrett Browning Elisabeth Gaskell Graham Greene ...
Madame bovary (ed. en ingles)Gustave FlaubertDover Publications