Los libros de texto de matemáticas en la enseanza secundaria de Costa Rica (ING)The student textbook is an important consideration in understanding the educational landscape, both in its historical evolution and in its present state, especially in mathematics. This article describes some textbooks ...
LA EDUCACIN TEATRAL EN LOS LIBROS DE TEXTO DE LENGUA CASTELLANA Y LITERATURA DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA OBLIGATORIAdoi:10.18172/con.5153COMPULSORY educationSPANISH languageEDUCATION researchTEXTBOOKSSECONDARY educationSPANISH literatureThe article analyzes the presence of theatrical education in the Spanish ...
Temas Transversales Contemporáneos y la Enseanza de Funciones en los Libros De Texto de Escuela Secundariadoi:10.37618/paradigma.1011-2251.2023.p82-103.id1437BASIC educationTEXTBOOKSPUBLIC schoolsHIGH schoolsELECTRONIC textbooksTRANSVERSAL linesThe...
EL LENGUAJE CARTOGRFICO EN LOS LIBROS DE TEXTO DE GEOGRAFA DE SECUNDARIA EN BRASILdoi:10.21138/dg.447This article is the result of an investigation that aimed to analyse the cartographic language present in two collections of high school geography textbooks in Brazil. The maps were a...
COMPULSORY educationSECONDARY educationTEXTBOOKSGEOLOGYBIOLOGYAn analysis of five Biology and Geology textbooks for Compulsory Secondary Education is presented. On the one hand, the conceptual contents have been reviewed and, on the other, the type of activities proposed. T...